Unlike VB6, VBA does not have the ClipBoard object.
Instead of VB6's ClipBoard object, you can use MSForms 2.0's DataObject object.
To use the object , you should set reference to 'Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library'.
If your VBA project has a UserForm, the reference is automatically set.
Then you can use the following code:
Dim Clip as MSForms.DataObject
Set Clip = New MSForms.DataObject
You may think that you can write the following code to use the object without the reference.
Dim Clip as Object
Set Clip = CreateObject("MSForms.DataObject")
Unfortunately the code does not run if your VBA project does not have a UserForm
because "MSForms.DataObject" is not registered under the 'Classes' registry key.
Here's a workaround snippet.
'Though this is not a duty, I am grateful that you describe that you reffered this site(https://akihitoyamashiro.blogspot.com/2010/05/late-binding-msformsdataobject-to.html),
'when you present this sample code in your web site.
Sub Main()
'This is ok when you use a UserForm.
'Dim Clip As MSForms.DataObject
'Set Clip = New MSForms.DataObject
'You cannot write a code like this.
'Dim Clip As Object
'Set Clip = CreateObject("MSForms.DataObject")
'This is a workaround when you do not use a UserForm.
Dim Clip As Object
Set Clip = CreateObject( _
MsgBox Clip.GetText, vbOKOnly, "What's in the ClipBoard?"
Clip.SetText "Test"
Set Clip = Nothing
End Sub